Reservations can be made up to 170 days in advance. Period: Until 30th July 2025
For the following day, 31th July 2025 , will be accepted at midnight 0:00. The room may be fully booked within 30 minutes of reservations opening. .
Make a booking.
期間の延長/短縮、人数を変更される場合は、お手数ではございますが、 お客様ご自身で再度ご予約の取り直しをお願いいたします。
If you wish to extend/shorten term or change the number of guests, please make a new booking yourself.
予約日まで2週間以内に迫ったキャンセルは、 延期でもキャンセル料は発生します。
If you cancel within two weeks of the reservation date, acancellation fee will be charged even if you postpone the reservation.