この建築を設計するにあたって、いかに重ね合わせるかをずっと考えていました。 時間を重ね合わせていくこと、空間を重ね合わせていくことです。 薄いフィルターを使って、フィルターのこちら側と向こう側を重ね合わせていく仕掛けを作りました。 中田英雄さんの手による簾虫籠(すむしこ)と呼ばれる竹製のフィルター、志田政人さんの手による「ヴェールダルト」と呼ばれる中世の工法による薄い緑色のステンドグラスのフィルターです。 どちらもとても繊細なフィルターなので、どうぞ大事にしてあげてください。 弱いものたちを大事にする気持ちが、次から次へと時間をかけて重ね合わされていくと、物はさらに深い輝きを発し始めるはずです。 建築家 隈研吾
When designing Fujiya Inn, I developed the concept of layers, both in time and space. I devised a layered effect in the craftsmanship of Mr. Hideo Nakata, who made the bamboo screens called "sumushiko", and also the work of Mr. Masato Shida, a stained-glass expert who used traditional techniques to produce the light-green stained glass called "verdâtre". Both are delicate filters that require special care to make and to maintain. But it is this careful treatment that helps these delicate structures to mature, and, after time, to radiate a rich glow. Message from architect Mr. Kengo Kuma

Stained glass
The exquisite stained glass running the entire length of the ground floor was hand-blown in France under the direction of glass specialist Masato Shida, Each pane was carefully made by the Saint-Gobain Company utilizing techniques from 700 years ago.

Hand-made Japanese paper
The Japanese paper found on almost all of the surfaces in the inn is handmade Echizen Japanese paper. During the papermaking process, water is sprinkled on the paper from above, which gives it a distinctive uneven surface when completed.

Bamboo screen
The thin vertical strips of bamboo seen throughout the inn are integral part of the interior decor. 30,000 poles of bamboo from Oita Prefecture on the island of Kyushu were carefully divided into 1,200,000 4mm width strips and then attached to sectional frames and assembled by master craftsman Hideo Nakata and his son.

Guest room. We have only 8 rooms.
全室、銀山川に面しておりますので温泉街の街並みをご覧いただけます。 館内の壁が手漉き和紙ですので、お部屋での喫煙はご遠慮いただいております。お煙草をおのみになる方には喫煙スペースをご案内しております。 お子さまのご宿泊は、寝具の都合によりお受けできないことがございますので、お電話で事前にご相談ください。 温泉は館内に趣の異なった5つの温泉がございます。24時間お好きな時間に、お好きなお風呂を、お好きなだけ(フリーリーメソッド)ご利用いただけます。
All eight rooms face the Ginzan River, allowing you to relax in your room with a beautiful view of the hot springs town. The walls in our inn are covered in hand made Japanese paper, washi. Thus, we ask you to refrain from smoking outside the designated area. Due to bedding circumstances, we may not be able to accommodate children. Please contact us for further information. We offer five uniquely themed baths, which are all open 24 hours a day. Our baths are available to our guests at any time during your stay.
"S300" (Capacity 2 people)
It is a special room with a private bath.
Western-style room, Bed, Wash Basin, Washlette Toilet, Shower, Private Bath
It is a room design assuming one room for 2 people.
"A200" (Capacity 2 people)
It is a special room with a private bath.
Western-style room, Bed, Wash Basin, Washlette Toilet, Shower, Private Bath
It is a room design assuming one room for 2 people.
"A203" (Capacity 2-3 people)
It is a special room with a private bath.
Japanese Style 10 Tatami Room, Wash Basin, Washlette Toilet, Shower, Private Bath
It is a room design assuming one room for 2-3 people.
Natural Hot Spring Baths
Our baths are available to our guests at any time during your stay.
藤屋ナチュラル・スパ・メソッド: 空いていれば お時間の制限なく利用可能な 藤屋独自の入浴方式