セカンドストーリー / Second Story


That was the moment when I switched from the ordinary to the extraordinary.

館内に普通の旅館にあるような「案内表示」「サインマーク」が見あたらない。(正確には「非常口」だけはある)何かが違うことを脳が察知し混乱しかけたが、不安になるのではなく、内からじんわりと熱く突き動かされる感覚だった。瞬間、ワクワクしていた子どもの頃の自身の後ろ姿が脳裏に浮かんだ。ー 新しいものと出会い、不安ながらもワクワクする ー あの感じだ。



We arrive at the ryokan and after some formalities, we are taken down a hallway. Where am I?
There are no "information signs" or "sign marks" in the inn, as there are in most ryokans. (To be precise, there is only an "emergency exit.)
My brain sensed that something was different, and I was almost confused, but instead of feeling uneasy, I felt a sensation of being moved from within. At that moment, I had a flashback to my childhood, when I was excited. I felt that feeling of excitement and anxiety when encountering something new.

The walk stopped when there was no room number, no doorknob, no pull, and the guide put his hand on the wall... and a door appeared. No, I mean that the door had been there all along, but it was indeed a wall until I recognized it.
Awesome. This is exciting. I wonder what's beyond the door.

That was the moment when I switched from the ordinary to the extraordinary.



Originally, hot springs are a blessing from the earth and should not be owned by anyone...
We build a ryokan in front of hot springs and do business.
I just bowed my head in gratitude.

My mission as a hot spring keeper is how to use the hot springs of grace.


My mission as a hot spring keeper.


Love is tolerant.

愛は寛容である。 愛は心の躍動であり、その時点では偽りではない。 愛は自由で自発的に溢れるもの。 愛は強制されない。 愛そうと決めることもできる。 人は愛し方を知りながら人生を閉じていく。 Love is tolerant. Love is a movement of the heart, not a lie at that point. Love is free and spontaneous. love is not forced. You can choose to love. People close their lives knowing how to love.


A hundred years from now, it may be called Heisei Roman.
It is said that if we walk three steps ahead of others, we are called a big fool.
No one knows the correct answer.
A hundred years later...

大正 × 平成ロマン

It may be called Heisei Roman.